Low Carbon Aviation

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Engineering 1 March 2020  Low Carbon Aviation   Discussion over Zoom   Chair – Professor the Lord Broers Speakers: •   Paul Stein – Chief Technology Officer, Rolls Royce […]

Networking in the Livery

Past master Ken Sanders is regularly invited to a Parliamentary working group, the All Party Parliamentary Engineering Group. More details can be found at: https://appeg.org/. It stages discussions over luncheon […]

COVID-19 and Engineering

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Engineering 17th November 2020   COVID-19 and Engineering Discussion over Zoom   Chair – Professor the Lord Broers Speakers: •   Andrew Peters – Managing Director at Siemens […]

The year of Engineer 2018

Report of the discussion held on the 28th of November in the Cholmondeley Room, House of Lords Chair – Professor the Lord Broers Speakers: • Stephen Metcalfe MP – Government […]