Welcome to the
All Party Parliamentary Engineering Group

Membership of the group comprises of officers from the Lords and Commons.

For our events, we also invite figures from business, education and other organisations and institutions
involved in engineering, with a particular emphasis on young engineers.


Three formal events at Westminster take place every year and additional activities may be inserted into the parliamentary programme, in conjunction with associate members of the Group.


The All-Party Parliamentary Engineering Group is sponsored by a number of businesses supporting the collaboration between schools, future engineers, parliamentarians and industry experts. 

Parliamentary Safeguarding

The APPEG has adopted the parliamentary guidance on safeguarding. Professor the Lord Mair is the responsible Officer from the Group.


Just wanted to thank you for inviting us yesterday – the students (and myself) learnt so much and it was an excellent experience for them!

Chrissie Barnett

Landau Forte College

Many thanks for a fantastic, successful lunch yesterday – well organised, including the seating plan. Those to whom I spoke at lunch and just afterwards were excited by what they had seen and heard. Great role model speakers too! Please thank Lord Mair for his corralling speakers and questioners!

Barry Brooks

BSc(Eng) CEng FIMarEST FInstLM FIET FCGI, Past-Master, Worshipful Company of Engineers, Trustee, Engineers Trust

I just wanted to thank you once again for another brilliant APPG. It was a very interesting and enjoyable discussion about a really important area of politics which pupils find very thought provoking. I also very much enjoyed meeting Ben Everitt MP and Faye Banks so thank you for introducing them to me.

Chrissie Barnett

Landau Forte College

The students are loving these opportunities and are so excited when they are asked to be involved in these session. Most importantly it develops and deepens their knowledge in the world of Engineering and science that inspires them to progress in this area. 

A young lady we took to the last session at the House of commons scored all 9’s in her science. She is now doing A levels in science and has been lined up for engineering opportunities at Toyota. Remarkable. 

Many thanks once again for the opportunity.

Neil Wilkinson

Executive Headteacher, The Bemrose School

I want to thank you very much for the outstanding online event “Covid and Engineering”. It was extremely informative and inspirational. Both our staff and students enjoyed it very much.

Peter Hughes

Westminster Kingsway College

Are you a secondary student interested in engineering?

 If so, take a look at our brand new careers page, providing essential information and resources to help you decide your next steps

Officers of the All-Party Parliamentary Engineering Group

Lord Mair


Dave Doogan MP


Chi Onwurah MP


Lord Baker
